REFIBER network is growing: welcoming our new partners


On May 23, 2022, the Management Committee of the ATS REFIBER approved the adhesion of 3 new project partners:

Azimut|Benetti, grande gruppo italiano del settore cantieristico nautico e leader a livello mondiale;

GS4C Srl, azienda di ricerca, sviluppo e produzione di materiali tecnici innovativi e tecnologie avanzate con caratteristiche di ecosostenibilità;

Cantieri San Rocco Srl, cantiere navale localizzato nella Provincia di Trieste (RAFVG).

These project partners, together with the promoting partners Area Science Park and Innovando, will technically collaborate in working groups dedicated to identifying the challenges and the best solutions to make the nautical sector more sustainable. Additional private and institutional entities have already applied to join the ATS of the REFIBER program which can therefore be enriched with additional skills.

For more information about membership, please write directly to (President of the ATS Management Committee).

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