Al via ufficiale l?associazione di scopo del programma di ricerca Refiber


Elected the president, technical secretary and members of the management committee of the technical table  

Lo scorso 11 febbraio a Venezia si è riunita per la prima volta in assemblea l?Associazione Temporanea di Scopo del programma di ricerca REFIBER, costituta dai partner promotori Area Science Park, ente nazionale di ricerca, e dall?azienda Innovando Srl.  

During the meeting, the following individuals were selected and named for specific activities: the President of the ATS Marcello Guaiana, Co-ordinator of the Area Science Park circular economy projects; the members of the management committee Massimiliano Rudella, Director of the Innovation Institute and Projects of the Area Science Park, and Francesco Di Pierroof Innovando. Furthermore, Matilde Cecchi (Area Science Park) as head of the technical secretariat, while Christian Zingaro (Innovando) will be supporting the activities. In addition, the ATS provides for the establishment of technical groups that will deal operationally with the activities of the program and which will be composed of a representative for each partner adhering to the ATS, namely Davide Cuk for Area Science Park and David Denti for Innovando have been nominated.

The assembly approved the 2022 activity plan and the participants also discussed the opportunity to present the REFIBER program to the head of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and to study the possibility of launching a call to identify and finance useful technology ideas to then create plants dedicated to the recycling of fiberglass.

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